All About Nikki

I first learnt to string at the age of 15 while I was starting to play professional tennis. I quickly developed a passion and understanding for stringing so I just began to string and customise rackets for my friends (and sometimes opponents).

Thanks to my playing career it allowed me to become practice partners to some of the best players in the world. I've had the fortune of and continue to practice with the likes of Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal and Novak Djokovic.

In 2015 I founded Unstrung Customs together with my two partners in order to create a "different" type of stringing and customising company. From there we developed the business and continue to grow to the brand that you know today. Along the way we've been fortunate to string and customise for many top pros. My colleague takes care of Andy Murray's racket when he's home training and I'm fortunate enough to string Novak Djokovic's frames when he's at his training base.

I'd also like to give a special thanks to the stringers who helped me learn when I was young and continue to help me in my stringing career today. Those being; Andres Marco, Darren Powell, Francisco Ruiz & Richard Parnell.